
Nice that you are here. What can I do for you?

Wellness Cocoon at the Hotel Maritim
Main entrance 2nd basement
Seidenstrasse 34
70174 Stuttgart


Tel.: +49 711 942 1504

Hotel guests: room phone dial 1504

You can also make a reservation at the reception.

Directions to the Cosmetic & Wellness Lounge

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Sessions only by appointment

Monday - Friday
10.00 am - 10.00 pm


10.00 am - 8.00 pm

Morning and Sunday
by arrangement

Cancellation policy are applied

Transportation & Parking

Subway and light rail
U4, U14, U2, U29, U34, U11
Berliner Platz



Car parks
Tivoli, Maritim, Liederhalle / Bosch Areal